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Ways to Thrive When You Have No Motivation to Fast

How do you motivate yourself to continue working toward your health, fasting and life goals, especially when you face challenges?

It’s not always easy to build momentum taking action towards your dreams and objectives, but you can do it through purposeful action:

Put your goals where you can see them every day.

  • In the beginning phases of planning your goals, be very specific when deciding what you need to do and when.

  • Define clear goals for yourself.

  • Writing down your goals is essential. It makes it all real.

  • You could hang them in a place where they’ll be the first thing you see when you wake up, a daily reminder of why you get out of bed in the morning.

  • Keeping your goals where you can see them every day can give you that extra encouragement when you need it most.

Use action to create motivation.

Each and every day, we need to do something significant to further our goals, any task that brings us closer to our goals. Your goal should be to change direction toward the desired solution.

One of the number one causes for weight gain is eating emotions. If you are constantly being led by your emotions and your thoughts…You’re gonna have a really hard time in life. Remember: You are NOT your emotions! You are BIGGER than your emotions and thoughts. We are not saying it's easy. We are saying it’s necessary!

Don’t let:

❌what happened in the past

❌other people’s beliefs

❌failures & setbacks

❌the environment



It's a part of the game and you can learn how to truly overcome them. You are STRONG & WORTHY! BE RELENTLESS and then you will break through!

Optimize your environment, focus on just one more day at a time & let your actions be a reflection of your greatness! +STAY POSITIVE!

Focus on Little Wins & Break Your Goals into Smaller Steps.

Realize that you aren’t going to adapt to fasting overnight! It takes time for your body to adjust to something new.

Fasting is no different than any other skill in life. Practice and support are essential to performing it well. If you are simply trying to lose weight, then fasting can be done as needed for that. Keep it simple. Optimize later on.

"Every day is a step in the right direction.“Track your small wins to motivate big accomplishments.” — Teresa Amabile

  • After each step, celebrate and reward yourself for a job well done. Small wins give you constant motivation.

Break it up into a series of small steps that you know you can achieve, especially if you’re working toward a bigger goal. Breaking it down like this will help the task feel more manageable, helping you learn how to not get distracted along the way.

  • Small but consistent progress compounds over time.

  • Start small and work your way to longer fasts.

Improve Your Discipline With Focus Practice.

Self-discipline is essentially your consistent ability to control your actions, feeling, and emotions. There are a few focus exercises you can do to improve your overall discipline.

  • The first one is meditation, which is basically the definition of focus in practice.

"The moment you have an instinct to act on a goal you must 5-4-3-2-1 and physically move or your brain will stop you." “I was the problem and in five seconds, I could push myself and become the solution.”― Mel Robbins, The 5 Second Rule

  • A quick countdown can help shift you into the right mental space to get motivated. Sometimes all we need is a little push to take that next step—that's how self-discipline begins.

Truly understand your why.

Knowing why we need to stay focused can help us push through the tough and tedious parts of accomplishing our goals.

  • Your goals need to be an active part of your daily life.

  • Remind yourself why you started

Take away your distractions.

Learning how to not get distracted is certainly easier said than done.

This tip is a bit more straightforward as it requires you to simply distance yourself physically from things that are causing distractions, removing external distractions.

It’s important to start with a good base for your focus as you learn how to avoid distraction. Avoid surfing the net, checking social media, and television. If you keep checking your phone, put your phone on airplane mode or silent mode.

Ask for the help you need.

  • Be specific. Make sure the person you’re asking knows how they can be most valuable to you. Tell them exactly what kind of help you need, and why, to make sure the assistance you get is what you actually need.

  • Seek collaboration. Once you’re ready to ask for help, propose it as a partnership between you and your helper.

Regularly refuel with inspiration.

  • Read Great Books. Few fuels are as powerful an energizer than learning.

  • Listen to music that elevates your state and rekindles the fire in your belly.

  • Rise early, reflect on your mission.

  • Fall in love with taking care of yourself.

Build in accountability to raise the stakes.

Deadlines are also useful here. This method helps keep your mind from wandering since you’ve got that looming deadline coming along.

Visualize your progress (and your plan).

The process of focusing so intently on each step distracts you from how much you don’t want to do something, and the visualizations ready your body for each step you need done.

A quicker and more relevant way to apply this would be to imagine yourself doing a small part of the task at hand.

Just get your body moving.

Not only can mild exercise trim physiques and reduce waistlines, but it also can improve sex life, enhance mood, reduce stress, and combat depression.

  • Find some activity to re-motivate and energize you.

  • Get out of the building.

  • Try thinking of exercising as “body play” and choose to have fun!

Summary: A major benefit of intermittent fasting is that if you develop the discipline to will probably develop the discipline to eat better too!


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