Our circadian rhythm is our internal biological clock that regulates various physiological processes, including our sleep-wake cycle and metabolism. Recent research has suggested that our circadian rhythm may also play a role in how our body responds to fasting. Here are some tips on how to time your fasting around your circadian rhythm:
Understand your circadian rhythm: Our circadian rhythm is largely regulated by exposure to light and darkness. Most people have a circadian rhythm that is synced to a 24-hour day, but some people may have a longer or shorter rhythm. Understanding your own circadian rhythm can help you optimize your fasting schedule.
Time your fasting around your natural eating patterns: Ideally, you want to time your fasting around the times when you are naturally less hungry. For example, if you tend to be less hungry in the morning and more hungry in the evening, consider doing a longer fast overnight and breaking your fast later in the day.